85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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PRIOR INFORMATION NOTICE This is not a call for competition and is not yet a contract opportunity.** PLEASE NOTE: By Expressing an Interest in this event via the portal you are not confirming your place at the event. Please follow the instructions below to reserve your place. ** As part of the process Somerset County Council and Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group would like to hear views from a range of market providers about the future options and are inviting organisations to attend a soft market testing event on Tuesday 22nd June 2021. Soft Market Testing Event A Soft Market Testing event will be held on Tuesday 22nd June and Somerset County Council and Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group are inviting organisations to attend that might be interested in delivering this service, either individually or in partnership with others. The event will be an opportunity to inform and shape future options. Somerset County Council and Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group are keen to hear feedback from a range of providers as part of the wider consultation for these services. Organisations that take part will not be advantaged or disadvantaged in any way in any potential future formal procurement. Commercial confidentiality will be respected. This notice does not represent a formal commitment by Somerset County Council and Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group to undertake a procurement procedure. Event Details: • Date: Tuesday 22nd June 2021 • Time: 12:30 to 14:00 • Venue: Microsoft Teams meeting Event Registration: To attend this event please email tbosher@somerset.gov.uk providing the name of your organisation, the name of the person(s) wishing to attend (Max 3 per organisation) and a contact email address for each. Please ensure that those attending from your organisation are the most appropriate to feed into the discussions. If you are unable to attend the event, the presentation, notes and associated documentation will be available through the e-tender system ProContract (www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk). SCC reserves the right to cancel or re-arrange these events at its own discretion.
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