42961100: Access control system
Detailed information about the contract
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BCU is issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) as a Request for Information (RFI) serving as pre-market engagement to understand capabilities in the market for Access Control systems. This is not a selection process or process that will result in an award. Information obtained as part of this exercise may inform requirements of a potential future procurement exercise. Process: BCU is utilising an electronic tendering / sourcing portal (Delta – link at the end of the notice) to manage this RFI and as such interested individuals and organisations will need to register (for free) on the portal to access (for free) the RFI documentation and return completed RFI documentation. The RFI documentation will be accessible from 26th April 2023 and completed RFI responses must be returned by 12:00 noon on 26th May 2023.
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