66122000: Corporate finance and venture capital services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) intends to procure a grant administrator / delivery partner for a financial support scheme, known as the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme Main (HNES Main).
The HNES Main is a capital and revenue grant project supporting existing/operational communal and district heating networks.
It will deploy capital grants (installation of measures to improve efficiency and address sub-optimal outcomes) and revenue grants (successful applicants procuring third party support to identify causes of sub-optimal performance and recommend costed improvement options).
The scope of the delivery partner would will be expected to include:
Technical Assessment of Heat Network Projects applying for HNES Main Funding
Application administration
Leading on business development activities, application assessment and administration, and a technical, legal, and engineering assessment of applications requiring heat network sector knowledge.
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