85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for information only. It is not a formal invitation to tender. You will need to respond to the contract notice when it is published in order to be considered for this contract. The purpose of this PIN is to maximise transparency and competition for the upcoming contract notice. All details in this PIN are subject to being updated or changed in the final contract notice. Islington Council is ambitious about excellent nursing home provision to meet the needs of residents who cannot remain in their own homes or in other accommodation-based services. The Council is keen to work with providers that offer high quality, personalised, enabling care and support. Our aim is that nursing homes are well-connected, at the heart of communities, active contributions to social value, and offer exciting employment opportunities. To demonstrate our commitment to social value a minimum weighting of 20% of the award criteria will be allocated to social value. It is essential that the council’s spending, both direct and with suppliers, has the maximum positive impact for Islington people, especially the most disadvantaged. The Council holds block contracts for residential nursing care beds, however demand for in-borough placements out strips supply. In light of this the Council is seeking to maintain and expand the availability of in-borough block provision.
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