45000000: Construction work
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This is a soft market test to engage possible suppliers in advance of procuring a contract or contracts for a comprehensive residential and destination EV charging network across Bracknell Forest Borough. Bracknell Forest Council has been exploring and investigating EV charging solutions since 2015, when we installed our first public-use charge point in the High Street multi-storey car park in Bracknell town centre. We have since added more chargepoints in this, and other, town centre car parks. During 2021-23, we worked with a commercial supplier to deliver 34 ORCS-funded charging sockets across 12 council-owned Community car parks. We are now looking to further expand the public chargepoint network in Bracknell Forest, but it is very important we achieve the best solution for the Borough. Our overarching goal is to secure a partner or partners to provide investment and collaborate with us on the planning, installing and operation of a substantial borough-wide chargepoint network. From recent discussions with the Energy Saving Trust we anticipate we could secure LEVI funding in the region of £350,000 to contribute towards the on-street residential element of our charging network.
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