85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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For the avoidance of doubt this is not a Call for Competition, this is to initiate a Market Engagement and is a Prior Indicative Notice.
Staffordshire County Council is seeking to contract with Providers who can provide activities and support in Staffordshire for Children and Young People with SEND.
Providers must have an understanding and regard to the following:
• Care Act 2014
• SEND code of Practice 2015
• Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty
• Children and Families Act 2014
• Short Breaks Regulations
• Public Services (Social value) Act 2012
• Staffordshire Connects
The objective of this service is to provide a range of Short Break activities across Staffordshire which Children and Young People with SEND can enjoy as independently as possible
Those interested will be required to provide and evidence that they can deliver the following within Staffordshire, activities which are:
• Meaningful and appropriate for a variety of ages
• Interesting
• Supports Children and Young People in preparation for
• Promote independence and well being
• Indoor and /or outdoor
• Term time and holiday time
• Offer Value for money
• Offer effective short breaks for the family
Providers will be required to
• Encourage and enable Children and Young People with SEND to
access community-based services and support
• Work with local organisations to promote inclusion for Children
and Young People with SEND
• Be flexible if required to deliver activities when gaps in provision
is recognised
• Engage in meaningful partnership working and effective
communication with the family and professionals
• Develop networking opportunities for young people and
• Positive changes to the quality of people's lives
• Have a genuine desire to influence change for others
• Be innovative and consider solutions to challenges
Staffordshire County Council is particularly interested to hear from providers who can offer activities
1) in rural or less populated areas across Staffordshire,
2) and who can offer support for those with more complex needs
Staffordshire County Council would like to hear from Providers who are interested and capable of delivering an excellent, high quality and outcome focussed service for children and young people with disabilities.
Please register an account on our E Tendering system, Proactis at https://www.proactisplaza.com/ against the category 85000000 (Health and Social Work Services). This will automatically alert you to any new updates and information relevant to this opportunity.
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