79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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C&VUHB is seeking support in the creation of a suite of business cases, starting with a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) potentially through to Full Business Case (FBC) for its Shaping Our Future Hospitals programme – the potential replacement of University Hospital Wales (UHW) and University Hospital Llandough (UHL) supporting digitally enabled SMART healthcare delivery, plus the pre-requisite digital transformation and wish to undertake pre-engagement to further inform their understanding of the market. The estimated size of such a scheme would be > GBP 1BN. C&VUHB are seeking a long-term strategic partner (or a consortium) who has the experience of creating HM Treasury Green Book business cases for very large public/Health/NHS acute infrastructure and Health based digital transformation. The arrangement would potentially be from production of SOC (the initial commitment) through to production of FBC stage and closure. A comprehensive Programme Business Case was submitted to Welsh Government in 2021. It set out an ambitious case for investing in infrastructure, acting as an enabler for service transformation and a catalyst for economic growth in South Wales. It also laid out our partnership with Cardiff University where the scale of the health delivery, teaching, innovation and research opportunity is what will set this scheme apart. Welsh Government have provided permission to proceed to a SOC and a scope has been agreed with them. This scope called for a high level SOC to be created to build on the PBC, but being careful not to stray into the detail that would be laid out at Outline Business Case (OBC) stage. Further requirement details are stated in section II.2.4 below.
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