70112000: Development of non-residential real estate
Detailed information about the contract
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Over the last five years Keele has largely driven new developments on the Science & Innovation Park on a project-by-project basis, securing public sector funds where available to support this, and/or working through specific investment partnerships.
The Early Market Engagement seeks feedback and market insight to inform the procurement of an investment partner or partners to help us realise our longer-term ambitions for the Science and Innovation Park and development site, as part of our commitment to playing a full role in supporting local growth and regeneration. This would include enabling a longer term approach to development (a further five innovation centres over a period of 8-10 years), and potentially to support us in securing a viable long-term future for some of our existing facilities.
The Early Market Engagement document is intended to support the Prior Information Notice (PIN) predicated under Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This is not a formal tender process or a call for competition. It remains at the sole discretion of the University as to whether a subsequent procurement exercise will be undertaken following conclusion of the early market engagement.
Interested parties are invited to express an interest in this project through the In-tend portal at
https://in-tendhost.co.uk/universityofkeele/aspx/Home and completing and returning the Questionnaire in the Early Market Engagement document through this portal by no later than 12 noon on 19.06.2023.
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