85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS South-East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the London Borough of Bromley (LBB) have dual and overlapping responsibilities under the Mental Health Act 1983, NHS Act 2006, Care Act 2014 to provide prevention, assessment and diagnosis, treatment and social care support for people experiencing mental health challenges or who have mental ill health. The ICB and LBB, with other local partners, have jointly agreed the Bromley Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy which sets out a delivery plan to (i) deliver the ICB/LBB statutory duties around mental health and wellbeing and (ii) to make improvements across mental health and wellbeing services in the borough. At the heart of the Bromley Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy are the voices of patients and service users who rely on good mental health services in Bromley. Since the strategy was first adopted by Bromley Council and the local NHS it has ensured that patients and service users are at the forefront of shaping and designing their own service offer.
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