IA2432 Residential & Community Short Breaks North Staffordshire

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

IA2432 Residential & Community Short Breaks North Staffordshire

For the avoidance of doubt this is not a Call for Competition, this is to initiate Market Engagement & is a Prior Indicative Notice. Staffordshire County Council is seeking to secure a suitable provider to provide services to meet the Assessed Needs of Children & Young People with Disabilities & provide short breaks from caring for their families/carers'. The Service will ensure that the child is supported to become as independent as possible, & their families are supported in a way which enables them to maintain their caring role & responsibilities for their child, and to sustain an everyday family life, including spending time with siblings . Services must be available to enable all eligible children & young people and their families across North Staffordshire, including rural & less populated areas, to have equitable access to quality overnight residential short breaks & community short breaks based. The provider will be expected to offer appropriate support packages for a range of different needs and complexity, that will be individually tailored & relate to the individual assessment of needs. They should build on each family's strengths & assets wherever possible. The Service shall comprise of: Service 1: Residential Short Breaks (1) the provision of accommodation & care at the Provider's premises based on access for 5 Children & Young People with Disabilities at any one time at weekends (Friday night to Sunday afternoon) and school holiday periods (Monday to Friday), provided in accordance with the regulatory requirements of Ofsted, and reflecting the need to ensure 'compatibility' of the Children & Young People with Disabilities using the service at any particular time; (2) the provision of accommodation & care outside of school holidays & weekends, upon request when there is an emergency situation and it is not appropriate for the Child or Young People to remain at home (in the geographical area covered by the service); Service 2: Community Short Breaks (1) the provision of support for eligible Children & Young People with Disabilities in community settings, to enable the child or young person to participate in agreed, age appropriate activities that will contribute to their personal development & meet their assessed needs. This could include leisure & recreational activities. (2) the provision of four after school clubs in term time (39 weeks per year), lasting three hours. Four staff are to supervise each club & provision should be made for up to eight Children & Young People with Disabilities to attend each session. (3) the provision of focused, time limited assessments for the eligible Children & Young People with Disabilities on an ad hoc basis. Please register an account on our E Tendering system, Proactis at https://www.proactisplaza.com/ against the category 85000000 (Health and Social Work Services). This will automatically alert you to any new updates & information relevant to this opportunity.

Staffordshire County Council
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
£2.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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