Strengthening Higher Education for Female Empowerment Programme (SHEFE)

75211200: Foreign economic-aid-related services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Strengthening Higher Education for Female Empowerment Programme (SHEFE)

The Strengthening Higher Education for Female Empowerment Programme will reform higher education systems to deliver a better future for women and girls by breaking down barriers preventing women from accessing and thriving in the HE sector. There will be a focus on promoting STEM degrees, inclusive digital education and greater safeguarding practices for women and girls. This will build on previous work done in this space since 2016. SHEFE aims to improve the quality and relevance, scale and affordability of higher education, including to make it more accessible to underrepresented groups, and the performance, governance and influence of HE systems and HE institutions. There will also be a strong focus on ensuring current HE systems and institutions enable graduates to become active, productive members of the workforce. SHEFE is anticipated to consist of two main areas of work consisting of the facilitation of two phases of grant selection and subsequent grant management of the 12 selected projects. The second area of work will be the creation of a Centre of Expertise for Higher Education, which will be a demand led facility to ensure the FCDO’s global network has access to high-quality technical expertise, best practice and tailored policy advice. The total value of the potential programme will be £40 Million (Excluding options). As well as holding overall administrative responsibility of the grants and establishing grant arrangements and provide technical expertise where required. The supplier will be expected to work closely with the projects, FCDO London team and the three FCDO regional higher education advisors. This is the second stage of early market engagement for SHEFE, the FCDO is looking to engage with suppliers to provide feedback on the current draft Terms of Reference for the programme to aid with their development and inform the sourcing strategy approach. We ask that Suppliers register on the Jaggaer Portal and sign up to the PQQ titled ‘Strengthening Higher Education for Female Empowerment (SHEFE) EME 2’. Once registered Suppliers will be able to access the draft Terms of Reference and link to complete the Questionnaire. All future communications relating to market engagement and pre-procurement messaging will be sent through the portal. Please note that this is not the PQQ stage of the formal procurement process and non-attendance will not impact any bidder’s opportunity to participate in the tender process. Any issues with accessing this PQQ should be reported to
There is also the opportunity for suppliers to provide verbal feedback in virtual 1-1 engagement sessions with the SHEFE Programme team alongside submission of the questionnaire. Should you wish to do so please should indicate availability within the dedicated section of the questionnaire. Thank you for your time in advance in reviewing the Draft Terms of Reference and providing feedback, please can responses to the survey be provided by Midday on the 7th May 2024. This is not a call to competition or tender at this time.

Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Date Published
75211200: Foreign economic-aid-related services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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