85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Please note that this is not a call for competition.
Healthwatch Staffordshire is an independent consumer champion for both health and social care services in Staffordshire. The aim of this service is to ensure they work in the best interests of patients, service users and residents and utilise intelligence gathered to influence commissioning and improve overall quality of health and social care provision.
Healthwatch also has an associated role in helping people to make a complaint about local health services independent of the NHS, via an Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS). Within Staffordshire we currently Commission a single Integrated Advocacy Service model (i.e. includes IMCA, IMHA, DoLS, Care Act advocacy, NHS Complaints). The delivery for this is not to be included is the scope of the Healthwatch service.
Staffordshire County Council is going to market to recommission the Healthwatch service. The Council is looking to work with a provider who can support and shape the health and care / Sustainability and Transformation partnership (STP) for Staffordshire (Together We're Better), and the developing Integrated Care System and Health and Wellbeing Board priorities by ensuring plans reflect the patient and user voice. In doing this the provider will be required to help improve the overall quality of health and social care outcomes across Staffordshire. For the avoidance of doubt this service excludes the geographic area covered by Stoke-on-Trent City Council.
As part of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, it states that the body contracted to be the local Healthwatch must be a 'body corporate' (i.e. a legal entity), which is a social enterprise, employ its own staff and manage its own finances.
For more information go to: www.healthwatch.co.uk
A market engagement questionnaire is available on the procurement portal and you are invited to provide commissioners with insight that will be used to shape the service specification and understand the capacity of the market to supply the service.
To participate in this process further we would like to invite organisations interested in this opportunity to:
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