33125000: Urology, exploration devices
Detailed information about the contract
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A Contract Modification (CM) has been enacted in accordance with Regulation 72 (1)(c)(i)(ii)(iii) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) (PCR2015). It is anticipated the contract modification will be a 1 month rolling period until such time as the current suppliers on the framework were able to meet the demand going forward. We are currently managing a significant supply disruption issue on Urine Meters, mainly due to the market leader ceasing production in Belarus because of the Ukraine/Russia conflict which was further compounded by other providers subsequently withdrawing from the market. NHS Supply Chain has 80% market share on Urine Meters with current volumes circa 35,000 units per week at peak demand. Regulation 72 - (1) Contracts and framework agreements may be modified without a new procurement procedure in accordance with this Part in any of the following cases: - (c) where all the following conditions are fulfilled: - (i) The need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen. Significant supply disruption issue on Urine Meters, mainly due to the market leader ceasing production in Belarus because of the Ukraine/Russia conflict which was further compounded by other providers subsequently withdrawing from the market. (ii) The modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract. This CM will not result in any change to the overall nature of the current agreement. (iii) Any increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract or framework agreement. The CM value is included in the full value of the Urology, Bowel and Faecal Management and does not exceed 50% value of the original contract.
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