Market Briefing - Integrated Healthcare Services to Campsfield and Haslar IRC

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Market Briefing - Integrated Healthcare Services to Campsfield and Haslar IRC

This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice and relates to a market briefing event to be held via MS Teams on 8th June 2023.
NHS England (NHSE) South East invites attendees interested in delivering an integrated primary healthcare service, equivalent to that available to the local community, for Campsfield and Haslar IRCs (both due to reopen in 2024). The service will deliver a comprehensive range of services in-house, to include physical health, mental health and substance misuse services.
The procurement is split into 2 lots:
• Lot 1 – Campsfield IRC
• Lot 2 – Haslar IRC
NHSE are commissioning the services using a prime provider model, in order to support integrated, patient centred care across the full range of service specialties required to manage the complex healthcare needs of those in the IRC setting. NHSE will hold a contract with the prime provider, who in turn can directly provide care and/or subcontract care to other specialist providers.
Campsfield IRC is located in Kidlington, Oxford and is due to have an operational capacity of 400 male detainees.
Haslar IRC is located in Gosport Hampshire and is due to have an operational capacity of 600 male detainees.
For both sites there will be an incremental increase in occupancy over the first year (or more) of the contract, as detainees are placed there.
The services included in the contract are likely to include, but not limited to:
• General Practitioners provision
• Primary Care Nursing (including long term conditions)
• Dental services
• Gender specific considerations
• Pharmacy services (including OOH provision)
• Substance misuse services
• Primary and Secondary Mental Health and Learning Disability Services
• Rule 34 and 35 assessments
• Health Promotion and Prevention
• Musculoskeletal therapies
• Smoking Cessation
• Consultant-led pain management clinics
• Therapies / clinics
• Access to external community services
• Sexual Health screening - Tiers (1, 2)
• Appropriate administrative and data management support
The successful bidder will be expected to actively participate in the on-site mobilisation of the integrated healthcare services immediately post the Contract Award (expected to be 1st January 2024), in order to effectively commence service delivery once the first detainees arrive, expected to be 1st July 2024.
Immediately post the Contract Award and subject to the subsequent signing of the Contract, the Commissioner will commence payment to the provider for the mobilisation of services. This will continue until the Service Commencement Date (expected to be 1st July 2024).
Prior to the Service Commencement date, the provider will be required to provide a Financial Statement of expenditure incurred during this period which will be reconciled against contracts payments made.
The Contract term for each lot is expected to be 7 years and 3 months (inclusive of the mobilisation period).
The maximum total (indicative) contract value (exclusive of the mobilisation period) is expected to be:
Lot 1: £15,776,493
Lot 2: £21,975,957

NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
£37.8M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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