32400000: Networks
Detailed information about the contract
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Next Generation Communications Network Services - Early Market Engagement.
NGCN Background
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Defence Digital (DD) has stated that the NGCN Programme is one of his top three most important programmes as it is a key building block and enabler of MOD’s Digital Backbone as outlined in the 2021 Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy.
NGCN is tasked to replace the MOD’s existing core network with a more flexible and agile network that is better able, both commercially and technically, to consume modern technologies and innovations through, amongst other levers, an Open Innovation approach to industry engagement. As MOD’s Digital Strategy states:
‘Digital is all pervasive and is changing the character of warfare and politics, as data-driven capabilities change the way we communicate, live, work and compete; which brings both opportunities and threats.’
To enable the Digital Strategy the MOD needs to replace its existing core network with one that meets the needs of the Department, maintaining critical, business and operational systems as well as providing agility and flexibility as the Department’s needs change. Some drivers for change could be the need for MOD users to consume ever greater data volumes, to better manage and respond to ever changing (and more numerous) cyber threats, to provide improved network resilience at key sites (and to provide more appropriate solutions to those that aren’t) and, as the Pandemic has highlighted, enable more people to work remotely and at higher classifications, to support the MOD in changing the way its staff work.
This ‘vision’ is fully aligned to the Government Digital Services (GDS) strategy. Proposed service Bundles for discussion and review are:
Bundle 1
WAN and Access Bearers
Bundle 2
UK Sites
Bundle 3
International Sites
Industry Day
The Industry Day will be a virtual event and will be held on 8 July 2021 (from 1030 to 1200), through Microsoft Teams, supported by TechUK, and will be held at OFFICIAL. All attendees must comply with the “Conditions for Participation” which will be sent following expression of interest to: ISSComrcl-NGCN-Mailbox@mod.gov.uk
NGCN is key to the Authority’s future operational effectiveness and cyber defensive capability. It is the intention to adopt a much more collaborative approach to Industry engagement including use of Open Innovation workshops and Design Thinking. We are therefore seeking advice and guidance from Industry for options to satisfy a possible subsequent procurement, and Industry are encouraged to suggest alternative and innovative approaches that may meet the requirements of the Authority.
If you are interested in participating in this exciting and innovative Industry Day, and working with the Authority to evolve our thinking, please join us for the event.
You must not take this announcement as confirmation that the Authority shall award a contract for this requirement. The Authority is publishing this announcement without any commitment to issue a tender or place a contract. The Authority also reserves the right to vary or cancel the Industry Day at any time. Accordingly, any expenditure, work or effort undertaken before contract award is a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential suppliers. Announcements may also be published on the Defence Sourcing Portal, Contracts Finder or the Find a Tender service, as appropriate.
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