85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Council is seeking to commission provider(s) to develop and maintain a Universal Standard Support Offer to the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in Essex. The Council is also seeking to commission provider(s) to deliver an approach to support System Volunteering. As part of the Council's preparatory work to inform the commissioning intentions for this project, we are holding an online Market Engagement event on Wednesday 15th May 2024 between 14:00 to 15:30. If you wish to attend, please book a maximum of two places per organisation by emailing strengthening.communities@essex.gov.uk. Prospective bidders are advised that the Council will finalise the scope of the forthcoming procurement opportunity following the conclusion of the market engagement stage and reserves the right to amend the scope of this service accordingly. For the avoidance of any further doubt, please be advised that any dates for the proposed procurement opportunity are provided for indicative purposes only and the Council reserves the right to amend this information following confirmation of the procurement timetable for this project. Full details of the structure of this procurement and associated timetable will be detailed within the corresponding Contract Notice in due course.
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