85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Cornwall Council is looking to appoint a provider/several providers to fulfil their commitment to the STAR Rough Sleeper Reduction Strategy Portfolio. The aim of this Service is to assist the Council in delivering the key outcomes identified in the Rough Sleeper Reduction Strategy by supporting former rough sleepers to prepare for independent living through the STAR portfolio of provision. The Service accommodation will be provided for 52 weeks of the year and will include accommodation, (are we including accommodation in the tender?) support and/or management at the property 24/7. Residents are expected to stay for around 6 months before moving on to the next stage in their journey. The Service Provider will ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place to enable the Person to access Support in a crisis or emergency. (not sure if that bit is necessary?) The Service Provider will ensure that Staffing is at an appropriate and safe level to ensure that the Service can be provided in accordance with the Contract. The service will create a trauma informed environment appropriate for vulnerable people with the recognition that many residents will have experienced significant trauma during the course of their lives. There is potential for this to be divided into Lots however we are at the Pre-Procurement Stage and this is not yet confirmed.
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