85000000: Health and social work services
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Longhurst Group is developing a tender for the Digital Switch program necessitated by BT’s decision to terminate analogue telephone lines across the UK by December 2025. Longhurst Group provide sheltered housing and extra care services, utilising various alarm systems for customers to maintain their independence in a safe, supported environment. These homes have a variety of alarm systems installed to provide an emergency call facility for residents, communicating with an offsite Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) using the analogue signaling protocols across the existing PSTN. To assist this work, we would like to engage with representatives from interested organisations to seek and gather views regarding the specification and procurement approach. This will take place through interested organisations completing a Soft Market Testing Questionnaire and then potentially a subsequent supplier day. Information gathered from this early engagement will inform the procurement approach and service specification. The soft market testing questionnaire can be accessed by this link https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert/Index?advertId=bf7954d1-6af5-ed11-8122-005056b64545 Responses to the soft market testing questionnaire are due by 19 June 2023 at 12.00.
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