18143000: Protective gear
Detailed information about the contract
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Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL) are seeking to publish a tender to establish a Framework Agreement for the supply of Type IIR Surgical Face Masks. The scope of requirements includes but is not limited to the following anticipated Lots: Lot 1: • Surgical Type IIR face mask with loops/ties no visor, no antifog strip. Lot 2: • Surgical Type IIR face mask with loops/ties with no visor and with anti-fogging strip. • Surgical Type IIR face mask with loops/ties, with visor, with anti-fogging strip. The products submitted for this framework must meet the specification and all requirements, as set out in the procurement documents. Please be advised that this framework agreement will not commit any volume and there is no guarantee of any orders. However, the current demand across this category is at circa 14,000,000 eaches per week, but this is likely to change and thus is only indicative. This PIN is seeking to invite supplier engagement to further assist of the procurement and overall solution. It is anticipated that there will be supplier engagement which will cover the intended sourcing approach, regulatory compliance expectations within the ITT procedure and social value & carbon reduction plan requirements. Therefore, interested economic operators are encouraged to advise SCCL of their interest in participating, by registering their interest on the JAGGAER eProcurement Portal https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com/ and express your interest in "SQ340 - Expression Of Interest". Expressions of interest for the supplier engagement must be received by 14:00BST on 17June 2023. The supplier engagement will take place in the form of a webinar and/or RFI questionnaire. It is anticipated that the webinar will be held week commencing 19 June 2023. The RFI questionnaire will be immediately available to participants who wish to express interest and do so via the instructed "SQ340 - Expression Of Interest". Supplier engagement will be carried out in accordance with Regulation 40 and 41 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015. It is anticipated that the tender documents and Contract Notice will be published in June 2023. It is intended that the Framework Agreement will be let for an initial term of 1 + 1 years, with optional extensions to not exceed a maximum 4 years overall.
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