85300000: Social work and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Current contracts for CPD leadership programmes are due to expire end of March 2022. Existing contracts have a max annual value of £2,592,000 The Department is holding an early market engagement event for a possible future opportunity on Tuesday 6July 2021 12.30pm – 2.45pm via Microsoft Teams to enable interested suppliers to • Hear about potential future opportunity for design, delivery, and management of a leadership programme including new Leadership programmes • Have a clear understanding of outcomes required in any re-procurement • Help develop any future requirement. All organisations wishing to attend the event and /or follow up 1:1 session (7/8/9 July) should email DfE.CFSWLEADERSHIP@education.gov.uk no later than 12pm 5 July providing company details and name of the person(s) attending, job role(s), email address that will be used to access the event link. Please note two individuals per organisation can attend the event. Microsoft Teams invitations will be sent after 12pm on 5 July.
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