85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice is being issued to inform the market that Essex County Council will be hosting a virtual market engagement event on MS Teams on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 11:00am to discuss the upcoming re-procurement of the Mental Health Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Employment Support Services . Any interested parties should register an interest to attend this event and email Lorna.Venters@essex.gov.uk by 12noon on Monday 13th May 2024, with your contact (email) details in order to receive the MS Teams invitation to the event. The Authority wish to limit attendance to a maximum of two people from the same organisation. Attendance or non-attendance does not bestow an advantage or disadvantage on any provider when the competitive tender process commences later this year. Please note that the decision of whether or not the contract will be divided into Lots has yet to be determined.
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