80000000: Education and training services
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CITB are inviting bids from the construction industry to create a model of local, onsite work experience and training to help address the recruitment and skills challenges facing the sector in the Thames Valley Berkshire and London LEP areas. CITB have allocated £1.2 million to establish Onsite Experience hubs within these two LEP areas (£600,000 in each area). The primary objective of this commission is to deliver ‘onsite experiences’ to enable individuals to become employment and site-ready, before progressing at least 50% of these people into sustained employment for a minimum of three months. Research tells us that in order to get a new recruit to a desired initial standard of site-readiness, employers often need to devote significant time and resource to achieving this, regardless of the recruit's entry route into the sector or previous experience. Onsite Experience hubs will equip individuals to become employment and site-ready to employer specifications, before they are recruited, providing candidates with support including employability training, short duration construction training, PPE, CSCS cards and work experience, and therefore reducing the resource burden and risk for recruiting businesses. This commission addresses the challenge by funding pre-employment training, and an onsite experience which can be treated as a work trial by the employer, prior to committing to employing a new recruit. An online briefing and supplier engagement event will be hosted by the CITB Commissioner (via MS Teams) on Monday 6th June 2022, 11am to 12:30pm. To join this event, please use the following link on the above date and time: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWQzMzM5YWUtNDYyMC00ZTI5LWIwMzMtNjY4MmYyNGMwZThk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e32fcdb1-bebe-44eb-be1c-ef4700387163%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ae3416f1-9d4e-413c-a32e-a8218a113a62%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d&btype=a&role=a Interested suppliers will need to access the opportunity on Delta (they may need to register): https://www.delta-esourcing.com/
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