Request for Information (RFI) Employers’ Services Organisation Contract for the NHS in England.

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Request for Information (RFI) Employers’ Services Organisation Contract for the NHS in England.

This Request for Information (RFI) is for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to gain additional information from potential suppliers to ensure the successful tender exercise for an Employers’ Services Organisation Contract for the NHS in England.
The Contract consists of 9 work programmes covering workforce policy which are agreed on an annual basis. The work programmes are as follows:
Work Programme 1: Pay and Contracts 
Work Programme 2: Workforce Supply Education, skills, and redesign of workforce  
Work Programme 3: Workforce Supply: International Recruitment  
Work Programme 4: Workforce Supply and Retention  
Work Programme 5: Pensions and total reward   
Work Programme 6: Employment services   
Work Programme 7: Staff Experience   
Work Programme 8: Staff Engagement including Social Partnership Forum (SPF)   
Work Programme 9: Communications  

The objectives of the contract include (but are not limited to):

To ensure a clear employer voice to input into policy development relating to the NHS workforce
To manage and lead DHSC input into negotiations to make any changes to national terms and conditions of employment for NHS staff
To enable the staff side voice (stakeholders representing NHS employees) to also be represented in matters relating to terms and conditions of service and other key matters as identified
To ensure that new NHS workforce policies are effectively implemented and communicated across the NHS.  The key outputs would be successfully implementing and establishing hubs, networks, along with effective working relationships with workforce leaders via the interlinked work programmes stated above. These are integral in supporting DHSC with the implementation of workforce policies.

The aims of this contract are to:

Support the NHS with the implementation and delivery of workforce policy
Empower DHSC programme leads to be the drivers of change, devising and delivering on workforce policy which is business critical
Provide opportunities for building networks between DHSC leads and NHS system workforce leaders
Provide the deliverables detailed in 9 annual work programmes (please see Appendix 1 for further information)
Provide additional surge capacity to flex to evolving DHSC/Ministerial priorities

Department of Health and Social Care
Date Published
85100000: Health services
£20.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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