85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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To provide timely discharge for adults from hospital as part of the discharge to assess model. This discharge route is for adults who are likely to need a further period of assessment for a short period of time with a focus on therapeutic and reablement input. This will move life changing care decisions outside of the acute hospital environment, allowing time for adults and their families to make informed decisions and reach long term plans. Providers would be expected to work with people using an asset-based approach, to agree goals for each adult that lead to an increase of independence and self-care.This service provision is for West Locality care home residential and nursing providers.For further information on the market engagement exercise, please contact the West Service Development & Contracts Team: ACSWestServiceDevelopmentandContractTeam@suffolk.gov.uk by Friday 31st May 2024. Please note the deadline to complete the market engagement exercise is also Friday 31st May 20
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