73110000: Research services
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Turbulent core transport in the relevant plasma conditions for STEP (a high beta burning ST) is likely to be dominated by electromagnetic turbulence: by micro-tearing modes (MTM) and kinetic ballooning modes (KBM). This is very different from the character of turbulence found in low β conventional aspect ratio tokamaks. The most advanced reduced core transport models available for integrated scenario modelling, have been constructed or tuned to model the transport arising from electrostatic turbulence. UKAEA are looking for support in the development & exploitation of reduced transport models for: Development of state-of-the-art reduced physics-based transport models, to improve the credibility of transport predictions for high beta burning plasmas that are likely to be dominated by transport from electromagnetic turbulence & MTMs. Running of advanced scenario simulation tools that incorporate these models for scenario predictions supporting STEP, and support &training of such tools.
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