TfL Capital Rail Frameworks

45234100: Railway construction works

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

TfL Capital Rail Frameworks

Transport for London (TfL) currently uses multiple frameworks to deliver its capital rail infrastructure portfolio, such as London Underground Limited and DLR Limited. These frameworks will soon be expiring or reaching capacity, creating an opportunity for TfL to develop its route to market strategy including options for an integrated suite of replacement frameworks. Rather than replacing like for like TfL are considering a single pan-TfL framework for capital rail projects to provide a consistent route to market and clear processes to ensure efficiency for both Client and Supply Chain. TfL wishes to engage the market to seek feedback on emerging approaches for its proposed Capital Rail Frameworks. The scope of this market engagement is a precursor to the future procurement of frameworks, and acknowledging that although the wider delivery and contracting methodologies are not yet confirmed, TfL wishes to approach the market to assist us to test and inform our strategy. Interested respondents to this notice will receive a Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) for completion and will subsequently be invited to an Industry Day, in mid- July, to learn more about TfL’s Capital Rail Frameworks future routes to market. If you are interested, please respond to this PIN by COB Wednesday 22 May 2024 to receive the MSQ. This is a pre-procurement activity and does not imply any commitment to any future procurement process. The purpose is to seek feedback on TfL’s approach, appetite from industry and information on alternative solutions that are being developed in the marketplace for similar schemes. Participation in the PIN and subsequent MSQ is not a prerequisite to, and will not prejudice, participation in any future competitive process. The information contained in this PIN or in any communication made between TfL and any supplier in connection with this should not be relied upon as constituting a contract, agreement, or representation that any contract will be offered as a result of this PIN and MSQ. If TfL decides to progress with any procurement exercise for the Capital Rail Frameworks, TfL will publish a separate contract notice.

Transport for London
Date Published
45234100: Railway construction works
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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