71541000: Construction project management services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (“FCDO”) is undertaking a Major Compound Remodel and Refurbishment Project at the British Embassy, Tokyo, This includes: remodeling and refurbishment of the Embassy office (the “New Building”) to provide a modern, fit for purpose and first class flexible working environment; refurbishment of the Residence to reflect its historical and political significance; and the remodeling and refurbishment of the Chancery Building as a hosting venue and conference centre for representational events. The FCDO require Project Management and Quantity Surveyor Services to deliver this project. FCDO intend to engage the market in relation to this project as part of early market engagement activity in accordance with Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The purpose of this PIN is to inform the market of the upcoming procurement activity and gather insight on interest in delivering this service. The PIN is not being used as a call for competition. This notice replaces previous FTS PIN 2023-043723. Please refer to section II.2.4 Description of the Procurement for details in relation to the requirement.
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