98133100: Civic betterment and community facility support services
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CONSORTIA BIDDING - STRENGTH IN NUMBERS – Invitation to Information and Advice session Carmarthenshire County Council is re-commissioning its 3rd Sector Services and is keen to support Third Sector, Voluntary & Community organisations through the tendering process with the move toward an area-based community preventative services model of delivery. The Council would like to encourage Third Sector organisations to become a lead provider or form a collaborative or partnership with other interested organisations to provide community preventative services in specified geographical areas (Lots) and has arranged a webinar with Business Wales (Cwmpas) to present information and advice on consortia bidding. CYNIGION FEL CONSORTIA - CRYFDER MEWN NIFEROEDD – Gwahoddiad i Sesiwn Wybodaeth a Chyngor Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn ail-gomisiynu ei Wasanaethau yn y 3ydd Sector ac mae'n awyddus i gefnogi sefydliadau Trydydd Sector, Gwirfoddol a Chymunedol drwy'r broses dendro gan symud tuag at fodel cyflawni gwasanaethau atal cymunedol yn seiliedig ar ardal. Hoffai'r Cyngor annog sefydliadau Trydydd Sector i ddod yn ddarparwyr arweiniol neu ffurfio cydweithrediad neu bartneriaeth gyda sefydliadau eraill sydd â diddordeb i ddarparu gwasanaethau atal cymunedol mewn ardaloedd daearyddol penodedig (Lotiau) ac mae wedi trefnu gweminar gyda Busnes Cymru (Cwmpas) i gyflwyno gwybodaeth a chyngor ar gynigion fel consortia.
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