85000000: Health and social work services
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Market Soundings Notice - Day Care Services within the Newry Area
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is considering options for Day Care services for eligible adults with a learning disability living in Newry and the surrounding area.
The Trust is hosting a meeting on 23 July at 2:30pm.
The focus of the meeting will be to outline Trust service requirements within the Newry area and explore market interest in providing the full service or elements of the service (i.e. Premises, Care, Transport).
If you are interested in attending the meeting planned for 23 July at 2:30pm in the Newry area, please email jill.duffy@southerntrust.hscni.net by 15 July 2021 confirming the number of people who would like to attend.
Meeting details will be confirmed by email on 16 July 2021.
Please note that this is not a call for Tender.
This market soundings notice is for information purposes only. There is no guarantee a procurement process will run following the meeting.
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