90700000: Environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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Essex County Council (ECC) will be seeking to procure Services for the Delivery of Promotional Materials for a Food Waste Recycling Initiative. The successful contractor will be required to make arrangements for the receipt and temporary storage of promotional materials. The contractor will be required to deliver a flyer to target households within the Waste Collection Authority (WCA) areas covered by Colchester City Council, Brentwood Borough Council and Castlepoint Borough Council in Autumn 2024. The contractor will be required to repeat delivery approximately three (3) weeks afterwards to the same households with a further leaflet and roll of compostable food waste caddy liners. The contractor will be required to regularly report on progress of deliveries and arrange delivery of unused stock at the end of the initiative back to ECC. The contract duration total is expected to be a total of six (6) months including preparation, planning, delivery and reporting.
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