90500000: Refuse and waste related services
Detailed information about the contract
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As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW). DCC works in partnership with all 8 District Councils in Devon as well as the unitary authorities (UA) of Torbay. The partnership, known as DASWC (The Devon Authorities Strategic Waste Committee), consists of representatives at both officer and councillor level from all Devon District Councils and Torbay Council. The role of the committee is to promote recycling across the county, and to fund small projects by the pooling of funding. It also co-ordinates joint county wide contracts for glass and textiles thereby allowing each authority to achieve a better deal through economy of scale. The current contract for the processing of the Local Authorities Collected waste paper will expire on 31/01/2025. DCC and its partners are looking to undertake some market engagement in order to better understand the current marketplace and produce a specification and tender that encourages widespread participation and is as attractive as possible to prospective suppliers. In order to participate in this market engagement process please see the information in the additional information section below.
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