90700000: Environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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Overview of the Framework The Environmental Land Management (ELMA) Framework is scheduled to run over a three-year period (2023 – 2026) with an option to extend for an additional 12 months. The Framework is designed to complement the wider products and services of the Agricultural and Rural Policies and Programmes through The Agricultural Transition Plan and beyond as well as supporting the implementation of key elements of Defra’s 25-year Environment Plan. The Framework Agreement will be available for use by the Defra Network, Agencies and Bodies https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations (which will be referred to as Defra for the remainder of this document) and by Commercial Bodies. It is expected that all tenders will be let through and managed by Natural England. and that the delivery will be throughout England only but there may be some activity throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. The purpose of the Framework is to provide clear, accurate and targeted advice, training and information to farmers, growers, foresters, other land managers and their advisers on environmentally sustainable land management, so that they are better informed to make business decisions that maximise outcomes for the natural environment. The main objectives of the Framework are to: • Provide advice, training, facilitation and raise awareness and understanding of environmentally sustainable land management • Improve the level of skills to allow all land managers and associated individuals to deploy measures to improve sustainability and efficiency • Support the maintenance and improvement of natural capital • Provide an integrated, consistent, targeted, high quality and cost-effective service
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