73000000: Research and development services and related consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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In 2018 the West of England Combined Authority, which includes collaboration with Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council and Bath and North East Somerset Council, procured a four-year Professional Services Framework Agreement to support the regionals infrastructure projects. The current Framework has been vital in progressing business cases for the CRSTS Programme across the West of England Combined Authority, Unitary Authorities and in fulfilling a range of business-as-usual professional services functions and providing key professional resources to all of the Authorities. The Framework expires 31st December 2023 and so this procurement is for the renewal of the agreement, which is anticipated to run for another four years. Please see the following link to a short questionnaire containing the option to request inclusion in our pre-tender market engagement session: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yMHJPgLkaEmP9KEN614EkzmGOrx4l4hNjVzEY5H3ZQpUQzVVTFNFNEREMFpMS0dFMjVONEZIWjgzMC4u
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