Hammersmith Bridge Stabilisation & Strengthening Project

45000000: Construction work

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Hammersmith Bridge Stabilisation & Strengthening Project

Hammersmith Bridge carries the A306 over the River Thames and connects the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham with the London Borough of Richmond-Upon-Thames. The bridge is a unique historic Grade II* listed suspension structure which opened to use in 1887. The bridge was closed to all motor vehicles on 10 April 2019 following a safety assessment of the structure. Subsequently, on 13 August 2020, the bridge was closed to all users and river traffic beneath as continuous monitoring of the bridge identified that existing fractures on the north-east pedestal had increased in size. On 17 July 2021 Hammersmith Bridge re-opened on a temporary basis to pedestrians and cyclists. The recommendation to re-open Hammersmith Bridge was made following a special meeting of the Board for the Case for the Continued Safe Operation of Hammersmith Bridge (CCSO). The works required to restore Hammersmith Bridge and return the bridge to full modal access (subject to pre-closure weight restrictions) are being carried out by LBHF in two work packages or stages. Stage 1, referred to as the Stabilisation Works, includes the works required to the pedestals to stabilise the bridge to remedy immediate safety issues relating to the pedestals and secure the ongoing safe use by pedestrians, cyclists and river traffic in the medium term. The Stabilisation Works have been contracted and works have now commenced. Stage 2, referred to as the Strengthening Works, includes the more significant works required to strengthen and restore the bridge to full modal access (subject to pre-closure weight restrictions remaining). The completion of the Strengthening Works will enable the bridge to re-open to vehicular traffic on a long-term basis. The indicative capital cost of the Stage 2 works is £80m-£130m. This range reflects the alternative engineering options that are currently being investigated. LBHF (in consultation with DfT and TfL) is currently considering a range of options for the delivery of the Strengthening Works and future maintenance of the bridge. This includes a Design, Build, Finance and Maintain (DBFM) model along with other concession-style models and a Design and Build model. LBHF wishes to conduct an early market consultation exercise to seek feedback from the market on the proposed commercial structures and risk allocation and to gauge the level of appetite for the proposed approaches. LBHF may carry out a subsequent phase of market engagement prior to launching any procurement. The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to invite expressions of interest to participate in a short market consultation exercise. This consultation is primarily aimed at potential contractors, equity investors and debt providers with relevant experience of construction and/or financing major infrastructure projects. Organisations expressing interest will receive a briefing document and/or be invited to a briefing presentation with further details regarding the project. LBHF may invite relevant parties to submit comments in writing and/or through meetings. Please inform LBHF of your interest to participate in the market consultation by [ Date of Issue plus 2 weeks] by providing the following details to: Sara Subtil sara.subtil@arcadis.com . Organisation Name

Capacity (Tick all that apply)
Contractor ☐ O&M Provider ☐ Equity Investor ☐ Debt Investor ☐ Other (please specify) __ Please confirm whether your organisation has experience of providing finance or construction services for infrastructure projects of at least comparable scale and complexity in the past 5 years: yes/no. Contact Name: Contact Title: Contact email address: Contact telephone number: Participation or non-participation in this market engagement will not preclude organisations or disadvantage/advantage any organisation's ability to participate in any future procurement activity in relation to this project.

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Date Published
45000000: Construction work
£130.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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