50421000: Repair and maintenance services of medical equipment
Detailed information about the contract
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Please note this is not the start of a procurement process; a separate contract notice will be published to cover this requirement. SNBTS wishes to contract for the provision of a managed service comprising the supply of Integrated Red Cell Serology Testing technology, incorporating all equipment, test kits, reagents, relevant controls and calibrators, I.T.peripherals, delivery, installation, training and fully comprehensive systems maintenance. The intention is to split the procurement into 2 separate Lots: Lot 1 for Patient Services Lot 2 for Donation Testing. Bidders are invited to bid on one or both of the lots. The above requirements are currently managed under contracts and will be re-tendered under Public Procurement rules for a new managed service contract to be operational prior to the expiry of the extant contracts; this for an anticipated duration of 7 years for Lot 1 with the option for three (3), twelve (12) month extensions and 5 years for Lot 2 with the option for five (5), twelve (12) month extensions (to be confirmed). Notes The general objectives of this procurement are to maintain and improve the service provided to both patients and donors. It is essential that any outcome achieves the highest quality standards, provides cost effective testing systems utilising technology that meets the current and future needs of the SNBTS. It is also essential that compliance with SNBTS terms and conditions and Public procurement legislation and with current regulatory requirements including IVD Directive are also achieved. The system requires to be fully automated and compatible with I-Soft or other SNBTS and hospital equivalent software systems. Prior to commencing a formal procurement process and to help us inform our requirements, SNBTS would like to consult the market to establish the likely level of interest and identify innovative opportunities in delivering a managed service contract. It is the intention of SNBTS to invite those organisations who express an interest to a market consultation day to be held via Microsoft Teams, on the 20th of August 2021 (time to be advised). As part of the market consultation day SNBTS would expect suppliers to deliver a presentation on their company, possible solutions, future innovations along with how their information systems meet SNBTS requirements. It is anticipated the contract notice relating to a future managed service contract will be submitted for publication after the market consultation day. All service providers should respond to the published contract notice, even if they have been invited to attend the market consultation. Organisations invited to the market consultation will not have any advantage over organisations who do not participate in this process. Similarly, organisations not participating in the market consultation will not be disadvantaged. To ensure that prospective suppliers have an indication of the timetable that is driving this procurement process an indicative timetable has been provided below. Indicative Project Timetable Task Start Date End Date PIN Notice issued -12.07.21 Supplier open day - 20.08.21 Contract Notice advertised - 22.11.21 Invitation to Tender Stage ITT issued to suppliers - 22.11.21 Site visits – 29.11.21 – 23.12.21 ITT returned 14.01.22 Opening and recording of tenders 14.01.22 Evaluation stage Technical evaluation of offers 14.01.22 – 14.03.22 Award Stage Standstill Letters issued – 31/03/2022 Standstill period ends – 12/04/2022 Contract award letter issued – 27/04/2022 Implementation - June 2022 - January 2023 Please note that the above dates are for an indication only of the timetable associated with this project and are subject to change at the discretion of SNBTS. Can you please advise of your intended participation in the market consultation day?
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