Applications are invited for the assessment of C-sUAS (Counter-Drone) Soldier-Carried Systems by the UK MoD RIC

35125100: Sensors

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Applications are invited for the assessment of C-sUAS (Counter-Drone) Soldier-Carried Systems by the UK MoD RIC

The misuse of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) represents a significant and growing risk to operations and day-to-day Defence activity both in the UK and overseas. The Rapid Innovation Cell (RIC), endorsed by the Military Capability Board, has been established as part of the UAS Capability Development Centre (UASCDC) to test and evaluate (T&E) mature C-sUAS capabilities and generate a managed Defence database of available capabilities. Through a regular programme of T&E events, the RIC will establish the efficacy of commercially available capabilities. It will also increase broader awareness of the C-sUAS market and support a more agile method of delivering capability to the front line. To prevent capability gaps and ensure interoperability, it is intended that Defence C-sUAS systems will use the ‘SAPIENT’ open architecture. This will also ensure that our systems can evolve at the component level enabling the spiral development of capability. RIC Test Cycle #3 The RIC has established a series of Test Cycles. Each Test Cycle will focus on a particular subset of C-sUAS systems. Test Cycles are scheduled for every six months, nominally in the spring and autumn of each year. Suppliers of mature C-sUAS Soldier Carried Systems are invited to apply to have their product’s performance assessed by the RIC. To apply you must complete an online questionnaire for your product. The product questionnaire will be available from 11:00am Monday 12th July, 2021, and responses must be fully completed and submitted by 11:00am Monday 9th August, 2021. Please complete a separate product questionnaire for each product that you wish to put forward for assessment. Test Cycle #3, will focus on mature C-sUAS products that conform to the following scope:

  1. The total weight of the product must be <6kg and must be capable of being operated whilst being carried by a single soldier (i.e. body-worn; handheld; and/or back-pack mounted). Suppliers of products having a total weight between 6-10kg may complete an application, however, these heavier products will only be tested if we have spare test slots available.
  2. The product must have capability against both Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing sUAS.
  3. The product may use any detection/mitigation technologies, provided they are safe for the soldier to carry and operate whilst being carried.
  4. The product must be fully design certified, having a maturity that is ready for operational deployment with UK armed forces.
  5. The product must provide at least one of the following capabilities: a. A sUAS detection system that automatically alerts the soldier when a sUAS is active, whilst the soldier is dismounted and moving b. A sUAS mitigation system that can mitigate sUAS operations whilst the soldier is dismounted and moving; and/or dismounted and within 5s of coming to a stop (the system must be operated whilst being carried; i.e. tripods and other mounts are not within scope).
Ministry of Defence
Date Published
35125100: Sensors
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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