Mobility Hubs, West of England Combined Authority

60100000: Road transport services

Contract details

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Mobility Hubs, West of England Combined Authority

The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Future Transport Zone (FTZ) is a £28m innovation programme funded by the Department for Transport which aims to improve the integration of public transport across the West of England and is one of only four local authority areas in the country to receive such funding. This notice specifically focusses on the Mobility Hubs project, which is part of the FTZ programme. Mobility Hubs are modern multi-modal, multi-functional, flexible, and inclusive interchanges and destinations. They are places that integrate established and new forms of travel (personal and freight) with infrastructure, traveller facilities and information, urban realm, and community and commercial activities. Operating as a network, hubs have a consistent and recognisable design and appearance but are individually tailored in scale, form, and delivery to meet local community and business needs. More details on the project can be found at including a link to a short video explaining the concept. Mobility Hubs are a relatively new concept which are rapidly gaining traction in the transport and urban planning sectors because they help to: • raise the profile of and access to shared and sustainable mobility services, • reduce reliance on private car use and ownership, and • provide opportunities to improve the public realm CoMoUK is one of the leading organisations developing guidance and best practice on Mobility Hubs and further information about mobility hubs can be accessed via their dedicated webpages: Project scope The Combined Authority aims to deliver the Mobility Hubs project in early 2023 and monitor and evaluate the usage of the mobility hubs throughout the following 12 months. The project will deliver 13 mobility hub sites across Bristol and South Gloucestershire’s Northern Arc. The intended locations are mapped on Google maps at: Since the Mobility Hubs market is relatively immature, there is currently no standard approach to delivering a package of common mobility hub components. The Combined Authority believes that the procurement process for mobility hubs provides a unique and exciting opportunity to stimulate the market to formulate integrated mobility hub solutions to local authority and potentially private sector mobility hub commissioners. Through this procurement process, we are testing whether a range of mobility hub component suppliers and supporting specialist services can work together in partnerships or consortia to provide integrated mobility hub solutions. This could then be replicated and delivered elsewhere across the UK, thereby helping to shape the blueprint for the wider roll out of mobility hubs and stimulate the market as they become more established nationwide. It is our intention to procure a lead partner of a consortium or partnership of organisations with whom we will collaboratively deliver a high-quality, recognisable, and replicable bespoke mobility hubs solution for the region. Services to be procured The West of England Combined Authority is seeking to procure a supplier, designer, contractor, or a consortium or partnership of those organisations who can: • Develop a Mobility Hub design • Project manage the overall supply of mobility hub components, and carry out their installation and maintenance • Collect and share data around the use of mobility hub components where this can be collected digitally via the component itself (for example: mobile device charging; solar generation; use of any bookable features)

West of England Combined Authority
Date Published
60100000: Road transport services
£1.5M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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