45000000: Construction work
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The London Borough of Lambeth ("the "Council") intends to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System ("DPS") to procure services for Planned Housing Maintenance Projects within the Borough of Lambeth. The Council's Resident Services Directorate is in the process of developing a Total Asset Solution, in recognition of the Council's need to refresh its approach to the management of its assets and delivery of planned programmes involving major and minor works, to better meet its legal and statutory obligations. To effectively support this new approach, a more co-ordinated and flexible project purchasing process is being developed through the implementation of this DPS. The purpose of the DPS is to establish a panel of pre-approved contractors across various categories and sub-categories of major and minor works and services including but not limited to building refurbishment and maintenance related services and supplies. The DPS also provides a platform to deliver against the Council's social, economic and environmental priorities and responsibilities and support the Council in driving down instances of housing disrepair. Projects will be specified in line with the Council's key priorities of: • Sustainability • Compliance • Statutory Fitness Standards • Decent Homes The DPS is being established in full compliance with the requirements of Regulation 34 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (as amended).
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