73100000: Research and experimental development services
Detailed information about the contract
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The DPS will include 7 Lots, including but not limited to the following: Specialist analytical services - provision of non-standard analysis (i.e. not basic physico-chemical and chemical analysis of environmental water and solids samples) to support scientific investigations. Field monitoring & surveys - provision of field monitoring services (on site monitoring of water, solids and gases and collection of samples for laboratory analysis) across Great Britain to support scientific investigations Research - to undertake fundamental scientific research in areas of interest to the Coal Authority to support its activities now and in the future. Innovation - the development and demonstration of innovative techniques, services, equipment & processes to support the Coal Authority's activities now and in the future. Expert advice and review - to provide third party expert review of R&D and Innovation project and programme proposals and strategies and the review of R&D and innovation project deliverables such as technical notes and reports. Operations & Maintenance - to operate and maintain research, innovation and development trials to support the Coal Authority's activities now and in the future. Trials Design & Build - to design and construct research, innovation and development trials to support the Coal Authority's activities now and in the future.
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