85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Shared Lives contract helps people to live at the heart of their communities, as part of an ordinary household; living independently, but not alone. The contract will provide the provision of: • Long-term accommodation and support • Short term respite services • Day support for people with eligible needs for adult social care or for those who self -fund their care services. The service will be responsible for the recruitment, and ongoing support as a result of employment, of Shared Lives carers. The service will be provided to Havering residents aged over 16. The service will need to be operating as an existing, established Shared Lives Scheme registered with Shared Lives Plus to provide Shared Lives services in line with best practice guidance and the Care Quality Commission, which inspects the service and assesses whether it meets the mandatory regulations assessed and that the service is: • Safe • Effective • Caring • Responsive • Well-led The service will take the responsibility for CQC regulation on behalf of the Shared Lives carers. We would like to hear from potential providers interested in delivering these services, to inform the planning of our procurement process. Suitably qualified providers are invited to express an interest by completing the attached market test form and returning to Laura Wheatley via laura.wheatley@havering.gov.uk by midday on Friday 30th June 2023 at 12 noon This is not an invitation to tender
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