85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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For the avoidance of doubt this is not a Call for Competition, this is to initiate a Market Engagement and is a Prior Indicative Notice. The purpose of Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Services is to reduce the number of women smoking during pregnancy by providing evidence-based treatment and behavioural support to pregnant women and partners making quit attempts. The delivery for the service will reduce levels of smoking-related illness, disability, mortality, and health inequality for both the pregnant woman and unborn children. To provide a stop-smoking support service that: • is accessible to all pregnant women who smoke • offers the most effective, evidence-based treatments available • supports pregnant women and partners who smoke to successfully quit smoking • engage with other providers e.g. maternity services, to develop and embed a smoke free pathway • increase the number of smoke free pregnancies and smoke free homes in Staffordshire. Estimated total contract value range is £320000 - £400000 to be confirmed. Please register an account on our E Tendering system, Proactis at https://www.proactisplaza.com/ against the category 85000000 (Health and Social Work Services). This will automatically alert you to any new updates and information relevant to this opportunity.
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