Immigration Advice and Services to NRPF Families

79100000: Legal services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Immigration Advice and Services to NRPF Families
Immigration Advice and Services to NRPF Families

Provision of high quality immigration advice and services to families with No Recourse to Public Funds Organisations are invited to respond to this questionnaire for the provision of high quality immigration advice and services to NRPF families who are destitute or at risk of being destitute. London Borough of Newham is reviewing requirements for the provision of such advice and would like to engage the market to determine the availability of suitable providers to seek quotes from. This is not an invitation to tender.
Newham's Children and Young People's Service wishes to test an invest to save model for the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) for 12 months in order to inform future commissioning arrangements. A suitable provider would be required to enable non-UK nationals referred to MASH to access free and impartial OISC registered immigration advice and services (as specified in Section 82 of the Immigration and Asylum Act, 1999) up to OISC level 3. The requirements of the service would be to: • Provide 1FTE per week of registered immigration advice and services up to and including OISC level 3. This is inclusive of annual leave and sickness. • Maintain an expected caseload of between 30-38 families at any one time, supporting approximately 70-90 families over the 12 months. • Ensure the advisers providing the immigration advice and support are and remain registered with the OISC to a minimum of OISC level 2 for the duration of the contract • Provide ongoing supervision and casework support for the immigration adviser providing the immigration advice and support to comply with the Commissioner's Code of Standards 2016, as published by the OISC. • Work with families to understand the importance of and seek consent to provide regular case updates to Newham's allocated case worker. • Collect and provide agreed contract monitoring data. • Be in place to deliver from 1st September 2021. The estimated value for the 12 months contract is £76,000 Please complete and return this market test questionnaire by Monday 2nd August to

London Borough of Newham
Date Published
79100000: Legal services
£76.0K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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