72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Detailed information about the contract
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CEPAS (Chemotherapy ePrescribing and Administration System) is an integrated electronic chemotherapy prescribing and patient scheduling system. It underpins systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) delivery across 14 NHS Boards in Scotland via the three Regional Cancer Networks: the West of Scotland Cancer Network (WoSCAN), North Cancer Alliance (NCA) and South East Scotland Cancer Network (SCAN). It supports both adult and paediatric SACT prescribing. CEPAS supports all stages of the SACT treatment pathway from initial treatment assessment, prescribing, scheduling, dispensing and administration to monitoring of treatment related effects and outcomes. An ability to access CEPAS instance across different services/ sites (potentially out with NHS setting) is also desirable, to support developing services and sharing of information. CEPAS will utilise CHI as the primary patient identifier to access and transfer patient demographic and laboratory results data, held in local NHS Board SCI Store repositories, to CEPAS. CEPAS supports a library of SACT regimens and corresponding supportive care inclusive of investigational (phase 1-3) and unlicensed treatments. CEPAS must have robust security access features and modification systems with in-built audit and transparent quality assurance. It also requires, as a clinical system, a robust 24/7 support. Software support and training supplied from the manufacturer needs to be clearly defined. National Services Scotland, on behalf of NHS Scotland and the three Regional Cancer Networks, is performing a market research exercise to explore what is possible with a view to replacing the current contracts which will end 30 April 2026.
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