Contract for the development of micro-enterprises across Kent to build community resilience

98000000: Other community, social and personal services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Contract for the development of micro-enterprises across Kent to build community resilience

Kent County Council Adult Social Care and Health is looking to develop the micro-enterprise market and a supporting infrastructure across Kent. This approach supports our aim to deliver personalised care and support by providing a diverse range of support options for people to choose from. Specifically, we are interested in enhancing community resilience by developing a micro-enterprise market that supports both non regulated support in people’s home and community-based activities, resources and projects that enable people to remain independent and connected to their communities – reducing social isolation and promoting wellbeing. We are looking for partners who can support us to achieve our aim by (at a minimum): • Identifying individual entrepreneurs who want to set up micro-enterprises. • Providing advice and support to individuals wanting to set up a micro-enterprise that can achieve the above outcomes – taking them through the process to set up as legal entities • Creating a network of ‘connectors’ at a local level to help identify gaps and raise awareness of the micro-provision in the area. • Work with commissioning colleagues to develop a proportionate, quality framework to provide assurance to referrers and people accessing support in regard to quality • Working closely with local adult social care team and key stakeholders to understand and fill gaps in community-based activities. Glossary: • By micro-enterprises we mean individual entrepreneurs, or organisations / consortia that employ less than 5 people. • By community based we mean activities that take place in people’s homes and in community settings that enable people to remain living independently, connected and part of their community as well as meeting their care and support needs. For example, art classes, physical activity groups, cleaning, personal care. • By people we mean any adult living in Kent, but with a focus on those experiencing barriers or challenges with day-to-day life – for example, adults with learning disabilities, adults with physical disabilities, adults with autism, adults with sensory impairments, adults with mental health issues and older people. People do not need to be known to adults social care to access support delivered through the new micro-provider network. • By connectors we mean the range of professionals and volunteers working in a signposting, social prescribing or navigation role.

Kent County Council
Date Published
98000000: Other community, social and personal services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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