45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Contracting Authority intends to put in place a Pan Government Collaborative Agreement for the provision of Construction Works to be utilised by eligible Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including Local Authorities, Health, Police, Fire and Rescue, Education and Devolved Administrations. It is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all Construction Works projects required by UK Central Government Departments. ProCure23 (P23) will be the fourth generation of the ProCure framework and will continue the provision of design and construction services to NHS capital projects other than in respect of the New Hospital Programme (see below). In its 19 year history this mature and award winning framework has successfully delivered more than 1200 projects across England, with a cumulative spend of £9.7bn, and ProCure23 will build this heritage into a third decade.
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