The Authority wishes to understand what types of Thermal Targetry systems are available through Direct Commercial Sale (DCS), for use in training Dismounted Close Combat Army personnel; specifically when using thermal weapon sights. The Authority therefore asks companies with potential products to respond to the following question set, along with supporting information (e.g. Product data sheets). For context, the presented targets will be engaged using 7.62x51MM, 0.50cal and 40MM machine gun fire.
- Technology:
Question: What type of technology does the product use? (e.g. a) Passive, using sky reflection, b) Active, using heating, etc.)
- Target Depiction:
Question: What types of target is the product able to represent? (e.g. a) Single soldier, b) Soldier groups, c) Vehicles, etc.)
- Durability:
Question: How many rounds of ammunition (non-reactive natures) is the product able to sustain before becoming unusable?
- Cost:
Question: What is the product unit cost and available price breaks?
- Availability:
Question: What is the product lead time from placement of order to delivery?
- Infrastructure:
Question: Does the system have specific power, groundwork or other infrastructure needs, which would be required on the range complex?
- Presentation:
Question: Are you able to present your product to the Authority in July, at a date yet to be arranged.
- Demonstration:
Question: Utilising the opportunity of a live firing range activity in September 22, are you able to supply products to enable requirements capture for a possible future procurement of Thermal Targets?