72310000: Data-processing services
Detailed information about the contract
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We are issuing a Tender to enable us to produce Benchmarking Report Cards (BRC) for schools and academies.
We require services to produce BRC PDF files based on data we provide and for them to be sent these out to all local authority-maintained schools and academies.
We issue benchmarking report cards to all maintained schools and academies using financial data as it becomes available for maintained schools and academies. The intention of doing so is to maintain the momentum for benchmarking among schools and to act as a prompt for schools to visit the benchmarking website.
The use of benchmarking helps schools inform their spending decisions and make sure that resources are put to their best possible use.
The full specification of requirements will be included in ITT documentation which will be published in August 2022.
To submit an expression of interest please email Samantha.turnbull@education.gov.uk on or before 6 July 2022.
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