85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Thank you for your engagement to develop the service specification for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS Health Checks Catch-up programme. We have now completed the draft specification and would welcome your feedback on all aspects. These will be delivered alongside the current GP led model and will be available to increase capacity where primary care are unable to deliver or are not able to meet the demand. We intend this service will go live in the Autumn. To get as broad an input as possible we are also asking a wide variety of stakeholders from across the system and potential providers to comment on this specification. When you have reviewed the service specification, please return all comments to HCC.hampshirehealthchecks@nhs.net latest 5pm on 5th July 2023. Once we have received all comments, we will use these to finalise the draft specification, which will then be ready for publication as part of the tender process described in the original PIN - NHS Health Checks Catch-Up Programme Market Engagement Event with publication reference: 2023/S 000-011512. We remain deeply grateful for your engagement and support to deliver a quality service for Hampshire and Isle of Wight residents.
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