85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is not a call for competition and is not yet a contract opportunity. ** PLEASE NOTE: By Expressing an Interest in this event via the portal you are not confirming your place at the event. Please follow the instructions below to reserve your place. ** The current contract for Advocacy Services in Somerset expires at the end of March 2025 and we have a commissioning plan underway to have a new contract in place from April 2025. Somerset Council has a statutory duty to provide advocacy under the Care Act 2014. We must involve people in decisions made about them and their care and support. The service will provide independent advocacy to empower people to express their personal needs and assist them to achieve their rights and entitlements. It will assist people to secure relevant information and knowledge thus enabling them to make informed choices, to be involved in decisions about their care and support needs and promote their health and wellbeing. The re-commissioning plan will include engaging with professionals and potential providers to inform a re-design of the service specification so that it is person-centred; meets the Council’s statutory duties and is fit for the future.
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