80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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Opportunity Sheffield, the employment and skills service in Sheffield City Council, wishes to inform you of its plans for the remainder of the 2019-21 ESF Pathways project, which is part-funded by the European Social Fund. This project incorporates the Ambition – Pathways to Progression (P2P) and Pathways to Success (P2S) programmes. The Department for Work & Pensions has granted a time-only extension to both programmes, allowing existing underspend from Ambition (P2P) and P2S to be utilised for a continuation of activity until March 31st 2022. To this end, we will be commissioning a series of six-month projects on Ambition (P2P) and four-month projects on P2S. The commissioned activity will be for a range of projects to support residents of Sheffield who are unemployed or economically inactive enter employment, training or education.
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